
Saliendo del Clóset, el primer programa radial gay de Puerto Rico a través de onda comercial desde enero del año 2000, te presenta su Blog para toda la comunidad Gay, Lésbica, Bisexual, Transexual y Transgénero de habla hispana. ¡Desde Puerto Rico para el Mundo!

sábado, mayo 08, 2010


From the Service members Legal Defense Network: “Stories from the Frontlines: Letters to President Barack Obama” is a new media campaign launched to underscore the urgent need for congressional action and presidential leadership at this critical point in the fight to repeal “don’t ask, don’t tell.” Every weekday morning as we approach the markup of the Defense Authorization bill in the Senate and House Armed Services Committees, SLDN and a coalition of voices supporting repeal, will share an open letter to the president from a person impacted by this discriminatory law. We are urging the president to include repeal in the administration’s defense budget recommendations, but also to voice his support as we work to must 15 critical votes needed on the Senate Armed Services Committee to include repeal. The Defense Authorization bill represents the best legislative vehicle to bring repeal to the president’s desk. It also was the same vehicle used to pass DADT in 1993. By working together, we can help build momentum to get the votes. We ask that you forward and post these personal stories.

May 4, 2010

President Barack H. Obama

The White House 1600 Pennsyl
vania Avenue Northwest
Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President,

They called me “Vapor.”

As a little boy, I always had an interest in serving in the U.S. military. Both my grandfathers served in the Korean conflict, an uncle in Vietnam and I soon became the first of my generation to serve, followed by my brother and a few of my cousins.

After entering the Air Force in February of 2001, I eventually was promoted to Staff Sergeant. Although successful in my job as a Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory (PMEL) technician, I was still coming to terms of being a gay man.

I struggled with my faith that told me it was a sin. I couldn't talk to the Chaplain Corps because I had read about gays being discharged after coming out to a chaplain. And so, I continued to internalize my struggle with accepting myself, my faith and how I must live under “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

As my separation date approached, many of my supervisors offered career-counseling. They all said the same thing: “Tony, you need to consider re-enlisting. You are the kind of Airman that the USAF needs to retain. You have a bright future in the Air Force and it would be a great loss to see you leave.”

They often times would ask why I wanted to leave, and I always replied: “I don't like wearing hats.”

Eventually, I changed my mind and was able to better manage living under DADT. I applied for cross training into C-130 Loadmaster and was accepted. I figured the high ops-tempo; frequent deployments and lack of down time would make for a great environment to keep me so busy that I just wouldn't have time to be gay.

I thought it was a brilliant plan.

As a distinguished graduate from Loadmaster training, I quickly established myself as a top-notch troop with the 37th Airlift Squadron at
Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany. Within four months of my arrival, I had completed my upgrade training and was mission ready. I deployed to Ali Al Salem, Kuwait, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

But deployment can take its toll. I couldn’t lie to my fellow troops — my friends — anymore. I delayed coming out as to not compromise our mission and waited until we returned to Germany. At first, I ended up avoiding them as much as possible.

They nicknamed me “Vapor” — as soon as we hit the ground, I would disappear.

I didn't avoid them because I didn't like them, I avoided them because I respected them enough to not have to lie and burden them with my secret.

When I arrived in Germany, I sent an e-mail to my First Sergeant to tell him I wanted to speak with my commander about being gay and not wanting to abide by DADT any longer. My commander said I served honorably and they would be there to support me in my transition back to civilian life.

Each one of my past supervisors from the ranks of E7 to E9 wrote character reference letters that requested my retention. My commander and First Sergeant said my character, performance and honorable service was not at question…it was merely a legal matter.

Upon my discharge, I was hired by global contractor KBR to fill a technical position in Iraq and later in Bagram, Afghanistan. I was once again working with the same Airmen I had worked for on active duty, but this time openly gay. No one had a problem.

I continue to work side by side with members of our military — each of them knowing me as a gay man — and it has caused no impact on the mission. My contracting job for the Department of Defense now is the same job I performed when I was in uniform.

Mr. President, we need you to help repeal this law — this year — so that my comrades continue to work in a force that retains the best and brightest based on performance rather than sexual orientation. Our men and women in the military deserve better. Listen to them, and, please, sir, do not turn your back on us.

Very Respectfully,

Former SSgt. Anthony Loverde
United States Air Force


Todos reaccionan al unísono al carteo de Gates: políticos, activistas, periódicos, grupos de ambos lados de “DADT” y con pie fuerte, la Portavoz Pelosi.

El Secretario de Defensa Robert Gates envió una carta privada a Casa Blanca (pero salió a la luz pública por el mismo Depto. de Defensa); la misma con una fuerte advertencia contra la derrogación de la ley “DADT” durante el 2010. Gates añadió la urgencia de esperar por el reporte del Depto. de Defensa programado para diciembre. Anteriormente Gates había enviado OTRA carta al Sr. Ike Skelton (quien preside el comité de las fuerzas armadas de la cámara) informándole su posición en contra de la derrogación de la ley “DADT” y el dañino mensaje que una acción como esa enviaría a los hombres y mujeres en uniforme. “Mensaje que en esencia les diría que sus opiniones, preocupaciones y perspectivas no importaban”.

La portavoz PELOSI presionó a la administración de Obama con la urgencia de una moratoria… para detalles favor leer a continuación…

Advocate.com- April 30, 2010

Andrew Harmon and Kerry Eleveld

With Congressional repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” in jeopardy following a leaked defense department letter warning against legislative action this year, Democratic leaders have now urged a moratorium on discharging gay soldiers pending a military review of the policy.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, responding late Friday to a strongly-worded letter by Defense Secretary Robert Gates that warned against legislative repeal prior to completion of a DOD study in December, urged the Obama administration to “immediately place a moratorium on dismissals under this policy until the review has been completed and Congress has acted.” In a letter to House Armed Services Committee chairman Ike Skelton first reported by the Associated Press, Gates wrote that legislative repeal "would send a very damaging message to our men and women in uniform that in essence their views, concerns, and perspectives do not matter."

Responding to Gates's letter in a statement to The Advocate, a White House spokesman reiterated President Barack Obama’s support for DADT repeal, but indicated that the Administration is against implementation, and potentially Congressional action, before the military study is issued: "The President's commitment to repealing ‘don't ask, don't tell’ is unequivocal. This is not a question of if, but how. That's why we've said that the implementation of any congressional repeal will be delayed until the DOD study of how best to implement that repeal is completed. The President is committed to getting this done both soon and right."

DADT repeal advocates immediately condemned the letter, saying that inaction could mean that a bill is "unlikely to pass until after the next presidential election."

"Today's letter represents a public effort by the Obama Administration to put a stop to Congressional repeal of ‘don't ask, don't tell’ in 2010,” said Christopher Neff, deputy executive director of the Palm Center, a think tank on LGBT policy issues.

Sources said that Pelosi’s request for a moratorium, which would effectively allow gay soldiers to serve openly pending repeal, is unlikely to happen and would be vigorously opposed by the Pentagon.

But it is also unclear whether the defense department’s warning to Congress would curb current legislative efforts by lawmakers, including Senator Joseph Lieberman and Representative Patrick Murphy, both who have sponsored DADT repeal legislation.

“It’s either right or it’s wrong to discharge servicemembers from the military because of their sexual orientation,” Rep. Murphy said in a statement. “I will continue fighting for a full repeal this year knowing that we are on the right side of history.”

Gates’s letter and the White House’s response also drew swift criticism from several advocacy groups in Washington concerned that a shift in power as a result of the midterm congressional elections in November—prior to completion of the military study—may quash legislative repeal for years to come.

"If the White House and the Department of Defense had been more engaged with us and had communicated with us better about the alternatives available, Secretary Gates would surely not feel that legislative action this year would disrespect the opinions of the troops or negatively impact them and their families,” Servicemembers United executive director Alex Nicholson said.

Service members Legal Defense Network spokesman Trevor Thomas said that “Legislative solutions exist that bring the Pentagon and the White House together with leaders on Capitol Hill to repeal DADT this year.”

“Surely neither the White House nor Secretary Gates want this historical change to happen without their imprint and leadership,” Thomas said.

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