Born Chastity Sun Bono in 1969, he petitioned to legally change his gender on legal documents and change his name to Chaz Salvatore on Thursday. He was represented by the Transgender Law Center in court.
Bono’s doctor filed a declaration with the court indicating he performed a gender-change operation last year.
"Chaz couldn't be happier," said Kristina Wertz of the Transgender Law Center. "This is an important step in his transition and will allow him to change a variety of his identity documents to who he truly is."
After thoughts on “straight reality check"
While discussing Chaz’s new place in the world with some straight friends, of course, the question was “did he-she also get the penis attached ?” at first, my impulsive response would have been “hey I wasn’t there!” However, this was not the normal gay-to-gay conversation, so I gave the “I don´t know” response. Why? because I am really not there to pick on details of “equipment” and/or personal preferences, I never was… Later on, alone with my thoughts I realized that “IT” was never a concern to me, since I was always focused on Chaz’s happiness and true self and not her “details”. I guess that gender reassignment will remain a matter of "puzzles & pieces" for many out there, for now... A. St. L.
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