
Saliendo del Clóset, el primer programa radial gay de Puerto Rico a través de onda comercial desde enero del año 2000, te presenta su Blog para toda la comunidad Gay, Lésbica, Bisexual, Transexual y Transgénero de habla hispana. ¡Desde Puerto Rico para el Mundo!

lunes, junio 07, 2010


¿ Y de qué sirve una encuesta? Unos dicen... "Ah, eso es más na' que una estadística descriptiva". Esto es más serio: Es un panorama clarísimo del FUTURO...

Washington Post /June 7, 2010 On PostPartisan: Capehart

Charles Blow over at the New York Times reminded me of something I totally forgot to write about last week. In his Saturday column, "Whatever, Dude," Blow writes about the new Gallup poll on American attitudes on homosexuality. They are improving in stunning and dramatic ways.

For the first time, a majority of Americans (52 percent) view gay and lesbian relationships as morally acceptable. Men (53 percent) are more accepting than women (51 percent). Young men and women, ages 18 to 49, are especially okay with such relationships, 62 percent and 59 percent, respectively. Hence, "whatever, dude." But the statistic that jumped out at me was the view of Catholics.

While the Catholic Church fights any and all efforts to recognize gay and lesbian relationships (the battle between the District and the archdiocese over same-sex marriage comes to mind), its flock is overwhelmingly supportive. In May 2006, just 46 percent thought those relationships were "morally acceptable." Four years later, a whopping 62 percent shared that view. That 16-point jump is 10 points greater than the jump among Protestants (6) and "other non-Christian (7). What's also interesting is that Catholics' growing acceptance of homosexual relationships is greater than that of Protestants. In May 2006, there was a 10-point gap (36 percent for Protestants and 46 percent for Catholics). Today, the gap is 20 percent.

So, the evolving views of Catholics and men are leading the way to greater acceptance of gay and lesbian relationships. Wonders never cease.

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