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sábado, julio 24, 2010

A los que creemos que la encuesta a los militares es una injuria...

¡ Según Maquiavelo, la historia se repite y esta encuesta NO es la primera!

When the Department of Defense distributed 400,000 online surveys to enlisted troops to gauge their opinions on gays in the military, there was an uproar. Many argued that nobody would have surveyed soldiers about racially integrating the military 60 years ago.

Well, the Pentagon corrected this misconception last week when it revealed that in fact, soldiers were surveyed about integrating blacks and whites in the military.

“Prior to President Truman’s 1948 executive order integrating the armed forces,” said DOD spokesperson Cynthia Smith, “Our preliminary research shows that branches of the armed forces undertook a number of modestly sized surveys of the attitudes of enlisted and nonenlisted troops concerning racial issues, integration, and morale.”

A 1947 survey to enlisted soldiers found that “An overwhelming majority of the men feel that Negro and white soldiers should be separated both during and after training.”

The survey also asked for soldiers to agree or disagree with the statement: “There is nothing good about Jews.” Eighty-six percent of enlisted troops agreed.

The survey found that “four out of five white enlisted men are opposed to the idea of having Negro and white soldiers in the same units even if they do not eat in the same mess or sleep in the same barracks.”

Just seven percent thought the military should be integrated. The survey was collected in 1947; the next year, President Truman mandated the military to be integrated. This was twenty years before the last laws prohibiting interracial marriage were repealed.

On Thursday, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow commented on the survey and its relation to the recent survey of soldiers about gays in the military.

There are rights that are guaranteed to us all by the constitution. These rights are not up to a vote,” said Maddow.This is America and the rights of man are inalienable no matter what skeeves you out.” “The results of that survey will be interesting, but they will also be completely irrelevant of whether or not this policy should and will be changed.”

365gay.com/July23,2010/Celeste Lavin

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